Every house has its own personality, quality features and styles. Our customer will have a sit down with one of our designers, in this consultation mood boards will be created comparing and contrasting different colours to find which one our customer is happy with the most . Also having the design and machine capability to create an array of stunning kitchens for our customers home, using the styles of our customers choice to create a personalised dream kitchen.
Danmar also works with a broad spectrum of different clients, from residential to commercial, from budgetted to all out no expenses. We will tailor your excperiance at Danmar to best suit our customers needs and expenses. Offering cabintry that is handcrafted to a beautiful bespoke strandard providing exceptional quality regarding all aspects of our clients future kitchen. We can offer our cutomers viynl wrapped doors, if they are lookin to spend less or have young children. who might damaqe cabinets in the future.

Over the past 20 years Danmar Kitchens have been featured in numerous home and interior both online and in print. Authenticating our high quaility furniture with a highly trusted and respected interior and furntiure writers who only accentuate our one off and homely kitchen designs by allowing the public the oppurtunity to recieve a taste of our vast capabilities regarding machine work, design, fitting and customer service.
